Waste No. 1 of Lean - Overproduction
Waste No. 1 of Lean - Overproduction

7 Waste of Lean Manufacturing series.

Waste No. 1 - Overproduction

Below is some example of how overproduction can happen in any of manufacturer process. So what overproduction it is?

  1. Making products in too great a quantity. 
  2. Unreliable processes.
  3. Unstable schedule.
  4. Inaccurate of forecast. 
  5. Inaccurate information and not actual demand.

How you over come it?

  1. Practice JIT (Just In Time)
  2. Work with supplier to implement Just In time.
  3. Steam line your process that provide fast output.
  4. Work with customer on the actual demand of product.
  5. Optimize your machine to be efficient and consistent output.

This may help your process to overcome overproduction, the waste No.1 in Lean manufacturing.

Published : 26-Nov-2020

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